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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Expand repertoire of presentation techniques
  2. Prepare for live broadcasts
  3. Present a range of material
  4. Mix audio inputs
  5. Wrap up sessions

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

demonstrate a repertoire of effective introduction, presentation and ad libbing techniques

prepare and present live to air programs incorporating a range of presentation materials and in collaboration with others

integrate a number of presentation tasks simultaneously including responding to headphone cues and computer screen information

operate equipment, balancing audio inputs and outputs, during on air presentations

complete required documentation for a presentation

evaluate own performance and document improvement opportunities.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

give examples of materials that are repetitious in nature and explain some ways that these materials could be presented

explain what a voice report is and when one might be required

list and describe the key principles for building and maintaining audiences

list and briefly describe the equipment needed to present material on air

identify legislation and broadcasting codes of practice relevant to presenting material on air

outline fundamental work health and safety requirements as they relate to vocal care, and using equipment in a broadcast studio.